Thank you for signing up as a Captini partner we highly recommend that all partners read this introduction article as a quick start guide to familiarising yourself with the Captini platform, how it works, understand the different access levels and the associated portals.
Captini use different terminology to define the types of users:
PARTNER/RESELLERS - This is you a company that resells Captini services to their customer base.
CUSTOMER - This is your customer, the person or business where the Captini service is active.
END USER - This is the individual who actually uses the WiFi service in the Customers venue.
Each of the above listed users have different levels of access to the Captini platform containing different features. The following section explains these access levels in more detail.
Captini platform structure
Before we go any further it is helpful to understand how the Captini platform is structured this will help you understand the access levels which are explained further on in this article. The best way to visualise how the Captini platform is structured is by thinking of a tree structure:
- at the top level is the Partner account
- within a partner/reseller account you can have an unlimited number of customers
- within a customer account are venues - there must be least one venue created
- within a venue are the service elements such as: hardware, end users, analytics, CRM, landing pages and much more.
When a customer logs in to the Captini platform they only see their venues and associated services. However when a Partner logs in they see all the customers and can access all aspects of a customers account, venue and service.
Single sign-on
Partner/Reseller and Customer users access the Captini platform using the same web address: or The level of access and what the user sees is dependant on the account credentials used.
End users of the public WiFi service access the Captini powered landing page by connecting their smartphone, tablet or laptop to the Public WiFi SSID (signal name) broadcasting in the venue.
The partner control panel
When a Partner accesses the Captini platform they are presented with a dedicated control panel which will look similar to the screenshot shown below:
The partner control panel is designed with all of the power features and privileges to mange an unlimited amount of customers via a single interface. The control panel has useful visual aids such as maps, real-time counts, search facilities and much more.
The control panel allows you to add, delete and suspend customer accounts, order Captini hardware, control access to who can login to your control panel, get support, register deals and view statements and invoices.
From within the Customer Accounts list you can switch in to a Customers dashboard without the need to know their account credentials, this makes it easy to switch between Customer accounts.
The customer dashboard
In contrast to the control panel the customer dashboard is a portal with all the features to manage the service to end users, view service analytics, access and export CRM data, build campaigns, manage WiFi landing pages and much more.
The customer dashboard can be setup as a self service portal or it can be locked down by the Partner so all change requests can be fully managed only by the partner.
When a customer logs in to the Captini service they are presented with the customer dashboard that looks similar to the following screenshot:
The PartnerZone documentation does not cover the features and guides of the Customer dashboard this information is available at
The End User
The end user is the actual user of the WiFi service from within the venue. The End user accesses the service by connecting to the guest WiFi signal (SSID). The following screenshot shows a typical WiFi landing page which is controlled and designed from within the customer dashboard.
What should I read now?
We have placed some links at the bottom of this page which lead on to more detailed guides, if you are already familiar with the Captini control panel and dashboard we recommend you read the Deployment best practice guide which will help you through your first activation and deployment.
The support team is always available to assist you with any questions you may have or to schedule a one-to-one webinar with you to go over any key areas you would like assistance or advise with. Please email should you require any additional assistance.