Accessing your control panel

As a partner/reseller your login details will take you to a dedicated partner control panel. This is very different to the customer dashboard screen. With a partner/reseller account you get access to a number of powerful features to manage your customer accounts and services. These helpful guides will take you through the process of using your partner/reseller account and control panel.

In this article

Accessing the control panel

To access your partner control panel please follow the steps below:

Open a browser and go to the following web address:

You will be presented with a login screen, enter your username and password in the relevant fields and click Sign In.

Retrieving your account details

Should your forget or lose your partner/reseller account details then please follow the steps below:

Open a browser and go to the following web address: or
Then click on the Forgot Password tab, enter your email address into the box provided and we will email you your account details.

Common Questions

How can I get a partner account?
Before you can get a partner account you need to sign the Captini partner agreement. Captini take a select few companies each year to resell our products and services. Visit the captini website and complete the online form.