GDPR Status Indicators

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GDPR Dashboard Indicators

From the 25th May 2018 all services operating within the European region are legally required to request customer/user permission specific to a marketing opt-in. The Captini dashboard now has an indicator on the profile picture so you have a visual indication to which customers have opted-in for GDPR compliant marketing communication.

An example can be seen below:

GDPR Customer List Indicators

In addition to the main dashboard GDPR indicators are also show on the customer list in the same fashion as show on the dashboard an example is show below:

GDPR Customer Profile Indicator

When clicking on the a customer profile either from the dashboard or via the customer list, we  have added a prompt to show the GDPR opt-in status of the customer profile as can been seen below: 

GDPR Data Export Changes

We have also added an additional GDPR Opt-In column to the data export functionality for both standard and advanced export options. Below show an example data export open within Microsoft Excel. As you can see the GDPR opt-in status is shown directly after the email address.